Import libraries

Import dataset

Exploratory data analysis

Now, We will explore the data to gain insights about the data.

We can see that there are 32561 instances and 15 attributes in the data set.

View top 5 rows of dataset

Rename column names

We can see that the dataset does not have proper column names. The columns are merely labelled as 0,1,2.... and so on. We should give proper names to the columns. I will do it as follows:-

We can see that the column names are renamed. Now, the columns have meaningful names.

View summary of dataset

We can see that there are no missing values in the dataset. I will confirm this further.

Types of variables In this section, I segregate the dataset into categorical and numerical variables. There are a mixture of categorical and numerical variables in the dataset. Categorical variables have data type object. Numerical variables have data type int64.

First of all, I will explore categorical variables.

Explore categorical variables

Summary of categorical variables There are 9 categorical variables. The categorical variables are given by workclass, education, marital_status, occupation, relationship, race, sex, native_country and income. income is the target variable.

Explore problems within categorical variables

First, We will explore the categorical variables.

Missing values in categorical variables

We can see that there are no missing values in the categorical variables. I will confirm this further.

Frequency counts of categorical variables Now, I will check the frequency counts of categorical variables.

Now, We will check the frequency counts of categorical variables.

Now, we can see that there are several variables like workclass, occupation and native_country which contain missing values. Generally, the missing values are coded as NaN and python will detect them with the usual command of df.isnull().sum().

But, in this case the missing values are coded as ?. Python fail to detect these as missing values because it do not consider ? as missing values. So, I have to replace ? with NaN so that Python can detect these missing values.

We will explore these variables and replace ? with NaN.

Explore workclass variable

We can see that there are 1836 values encoded as ? in workclass variable. I will replace these ? with NaN.

Now, we can see that there are no values encoded as ? in the workclass variable.

I will adopt similar approach with occupation and native_country column.

Explore occupation variable

We can see that there are 1843 values encoded as ? in occupation variable. I will replace these ? with NaN.

Explore native_country variable

We can see that there are 583 values encoded as ? in native_country variable. I will replace these ? with NaN.

Check missing values in categorical variables again

Now, we can see that workclass, occupation and native_country variable contains missing values.

Number of labels: cardinality

The number of labels within a categorical variable is known as cardinality. A high number of labels within a variable is known as high cardinality. High cardinality may pose some serious problems in the machine learning model. So, I will check for high cardinality.

We can see that native_country column contains relatively large number of labels as compared to other columns. I will check for cardinality after train-test split.

Explore Numerical Variables

Summary of numerical variables

There are 6 numerical variables. These are given by age, fnlwgt, education_num, capital_gain, capital_loss and hours_per_week. All of the numerical variables are of discrete data type.

Explore problems within numerical variables

Now, we will explore the numerical variables.

Missing values in numerical variables

We can see that all the 6 numerical variables do not contain missing values.

Declare feature vector and target variable

Split data into separate training and test set

Feature Engineering

Feature Engineering is the process of transforming raw data into useful features that help us to understand our model better and increase its predictive power. I will carry out feature engineering on different types of variables.

First, We will display the categorical and numerical variables again separately.

Engineering missing values in categorical variables

As a final check, I will check for missing values in X_train and X_test.

We can see that there are no missing values in X_train and X_test.

Encode categorical variables

We can see that from the initial 14 columns, we now have 113 columns.

Similarly, I will take a look at the X_test set.

We now have training and testing set ready for model building. Before that, we should map all the feature variables onto the same scale. It is called feature scaling. I will do it as follows.

Feature Scaling

We now have X_train dataset ready to be fed into the Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier. I will do it as follows.

Model training

Predict the results

Check accuracy score

Here, y_test are the true class labels and y_pred are the predicted class labels in the test-set.

Compare the train-set and test-set accuracy

Now, We will compare the train-set and test-set accuracy to check for overfitting.

Check for overfitting and underfitting

The training-set accuracy score is 0.8067 while the test-set accuracy to be 0.8083. These two values are quite comparable. So, there is no sign of overfitting.

Compare model accuracy with null accuracy

So, the model accuracy is 0.8083. But, we cannot say that our model is very good based on the above accuracy. We must compare it with the null accuracy. Null accuracy is the accuracy that could be achieved by always predicting the most frequent class.

So, we should first check the class distribution in the test set.

We can see that the occurences of most frequent class is 7407. So, we can calculate null accuracy by dividing 7407 by total number of occurences.

We can see that our model accuracy score is 0.8083 but null accuracy score is 0.7582. So, we can conclude that our Gaussian Naive Bayes Classification model is doing a very good job in predicting the class labels.

Now, based on the above analysis we can conclude that our classification model accuracy is very good. Our model is doing a very good job in terms of predicting the class labels.

But, it does not give the underlying distribution of values. Also, it does not tell anything about the type of errors our classifer is making.

We have another tool called Confusion matrix that comes to our rescue.

Confusion matrix

A confusion matrix is a tool for summarizing the performance of a classification algorithm. A confusion matrix will give us a clear picture of classification model performance and the types of errors produced by the model. It gives us a summary of correct and incorrect predictions broken down by each category. The summary is represented in a tabular form.

Four types of outcomes are possible while evaluating a classification model performance. These four outcomes are described below:-

True Positives (TP) – True Positives occur when we predict an observation belongs to a certain class and the observation actually belongs to that class.

True Negatives (TN) – True Negatives occur when we predict an observation does not belong to a certain class and the observation actually does not belong to that class.

False Positives (FP) – False Positives occur when we predict an observation belongs to a certain class but the observation actually does not belong to that class. This type of error is called Type I error.

False Negatives (FN) – False Negatives occur when we predict an observation does not belong to a certain class but the observation actually belongs to that class. This is a very serious error and it is called Type II error.

These four outcomes are summarized in a confusion matrix given below.

The confusion matrix shows 5999 + 1897 = 7896 correct predictions and 1408 + 465 = 1873 incorrect predictions.

In this case, we have

True Positives (Actual Positive:1 and Predict Positive:1) - 5999 True Negatives (Actual Negative:0 and Predict Negative:0) - 1897 False Positives (Actual Negative:0 but Predict Positive:1) - 1408 (Type I error) False Negatives (Actual Positive:1 but Predict Negative:0) - 465 (Type II error)

Classification metrices

Classification Report

Classification report is another way to evaluate the classification model performance. It displays the precision, recall, f1 and support scores for the model. I have described these terms in later.

We can print a classification report as follows:-

Classification accuracy

Classification error


Precision can be defined as the percentage of correctly predicted positive outcomes out of all the predicted positive outcomes. It can be given as the ratio of true positives (TP) to the sum of true and false positives (TP + FP).

So, Precision identifies the proportion of correctly predicted positive outcome. It is more concerned with the positive class than the negative class.

Mathematically, precision can be defined as the ratio of TP to (TP + FP).


Recall can be defined as the percentage of correctly predicted positive outcomes out of all the actual positive outcomes. It can be given as the ratio of true positives (TP) to the sum of true positives and false negatives (TP + FN). Recall is also called Sensitivity.

Recall identifies the proportion of correctly predicted actual positives.

Mathematically, recall can be given as the ratio of TP to (TP + FN).

True Positive Rate

True Positive Rate is synonymous with Recall.

False Positive Rate



f1-score is the weighted harmonic mean of precision and recall. The best possible f1-score would be 1.0 and the worst would be 0.0. f1-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. So, f1-score is always lower than accuracy measures as they embed precision and recall into their computation. The weighted average of f1-score should be used to compare classifier models, not global accuracy.


Support is the actual number of occurrences of the class in our dataset.

Calculate class probabilities

Observations In each row, the numbers sum to 1. There are 2 columns which correspond to 2 classes - <=50K and >50K.

Class 0 => <=50K - Class that a person makes less than equal to 50K.

Class 1 => >50K - Class that a person makes more than 50K.

Importance of predicted probabilities

We can rank the observations by probability of whether a person makes less than or equal to 50K or more than 50K. predict_proba process

Predicts the probabilities

Choose the class with the highest probability

Classification threshold level

There is a classification threshold level of 0.5.

Class 0 => <=50K - probability of salary less than or equal to 50K is predicted if probability < 0.5.

Class 1 => >50K - probability of salary more than 50K is predicted if probability > 0.5.


We can see that the above histogram is highly positive skewed.

The first column tell us that there are approximately 5700 observations with probability between 0.0 and 0.1 whose salary is <=50K.

There are relatively small number of observations with probability > 0.5.

So, these small number of observations predict that the salaries will be >50K.

Majority of observations predcit that the salaries will be <=50K.


ROC Curve

Another tool to measure the classification model performance visually is ROC Curve. ROC Curve stands for Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve. An ROC Curve is a plot which shows the performance of a classification model at various classification threshold levels.

The ROC Curve plots the True Positive Rate (TPR) against the False Positive Rate (FPR) at various threshold levels.

True Positive Rate (TPR) is also called Recall. It is defined as the ratio of TP to (TP + FN).

False Positive Rate (FPR) is defined as the ratio of FP to (FP + TN).

In the ROC Curve, we will focus on the TPR (True Positive Rate) and FPR (False Positive Rate) of a single point. This will give us the general performance of the ROC curve which consists of the TPR and FPR at various threshold levels. So, an ROC Curve plots TPR vs FPR at different classification threshold levels. If we lower the threshold levels, it may result in more items being classified as positve. It will increase both True Positives (TP) and False Positives (FP).

ROC curve help us to choose a threshold level that balances sensitivity and specificity for a particular context.


ROC AUC stands for Receiver Operating Characteristic - Area Under Curve. It is a technique to compare classifier performance. In this technique, we measure the area under the curve (AUC). A perfect classifier will have a ROC AUC equal to 1, whereas a purely random classifier will have a ROC AUC equal to 0.5.

So, ROC AUC is the percentage of the ROC plot that is underneath the curve.


-ROC AUC is a single number summary of classifier performance. The higher the value, the better the classifier.

-ROC AUC of our model approaches towards 1. So, we can conclude that our classifier does a good job in predicting whether it will rain tomorrow or not.

k-Fold Cross Validation

We can summarize the cross-validation accuracy by calculating its mean.


-Using the mean cross-validation, we can conclude that we expect the model to be around 80.63% accurate on average.

-If we look at all the 10 scores produced by the 10-fold cross-validation, we can also conclude that there is a relatively small variance in the accuracy between folds, ranging from 81.35% accuracy to 79.64% accuracy. So, we can conclude that the model is independent of the particular folds used for training.

-Our original model accuracy is 0.8083, but the mean cross-validation accuracy is 0.8063. So, the 10-fold cross-validation accuracy does not result in performance improvement for this model.

Results and conclusion

In this project, We build a Gaussian Naïve Bayes Classifier model to predict whether a person makes over 50K a year. The model yields a very good performance as indicated by the model accuracy which was found to be 0.8083.

The training-set accuracy score is 0.8067 while the test-set accuracy to be 0.8083. These two values are quite comparable. So, there is no sign of overfitting.

We have compared the model accuracy score which is 0.8083 with null accuracy score which is 0.7582. So, we can conclude that our Gaussian Naïve Bayes classifier model is doing a very good job in predicting the class labels.

ROC AUC of our model approaches towards 1. So, we can conclude that our classifier does a very good job in predicting whether a person makes over 50K a year.

Using the mean cross-validation, we can conclude that we expect the model to be around 80.63% accurate on average.

If we look at all the 10 scores produced by the 10-fold cross-validation, we can also conclude that there is a relatively small variance in the accuracy between folds, ranging from 81.35% accuracy to 79.64% accuracy. So, we can conclude that the model is independent of the particular folds used for training.

Our original model accuracy is 0.8083, but the mean cross-validation accuracy is 0.8063. So, the 10-fold cross-validation accuracy does not result in performance improvement for this model.